Shalom, bless the Lord, Oh my soul and all that is within me, bless His Holy name.

I would like to take this time out to give my sincere thanks to all my partners that have contributed with prayers, encouragement, talent, support and your presence to the Wings of Eagles Ministries services, revivals and conferences.

Unique ministries of helps given to me by God. I've been charged to network His people and other ministries together, give a platform to men and women of God who have a call on their lives and haven't had the opportunties, encourage and counsel.....all for the purpose to aid the spread of the gospel of Christ Jesus (phase one) and to clothe (phase two) and feed (phase three) those in need. Phase one and two are well under way and we're expecting this year of '99 to bring birth phase three. God has expanded the ministry into Houston which will be overseen by Bishop R. O'Neil. So God is moving and blessing.

The eagle is the king of birds, and there is no other creature like him. All throughtout the Bible, God compares Himself to the magnificent eagle. When he delivered Israel from the land of Eqypt, He said that He carried them "on eagles' wings" (Exodus 19:4). And you and I were created in his image-designed for high flight as eagles in the kingdom of God! We are the head and not the tail, we're going over and not under. we can soar above our circumstances.

I want to encourage you today to hold on and don't give up. I never thought that I'd be doing such a work as this for the Lord. But it's not my will but Thy will that is being accomplished in my life.

There's a great work to be done for the Lord in this hour! And if we'll join together as the Bible teaches, we Can make a difference.

We must diligently prepare ourselves for the work God has called us to do. Let's not get distracted like Sanballat and Tobiah tried to do againt Nehemiah. When those detractors came at Nehemiah begging him to come down from building the walls of Jerusalem he knew the voice of God and he refused to fall for the false prophetcy trap (my sheep know my voice and no other coice will they follow)...You may have a King Nebuchadnezzar in your life that has come to smash your dreams and visions that God has given you and burn up all hope. But they that wait upon the Lord, He'll renew your strength and you too can be able to stand and work the work that God has assigned to you. This race is not given to the swift but those who endure to the end. The wall was restored in only 52 days after they begun the work because they refused to be distracted.

In fact, they sent him that very same message four different times! It's like the devil tries to get us off track, to block us from finishing the work God has called us to do. You've got to have a heart and mind to work the work (Nehemiah 4:6). But if we stand fast, we too can complete the work, like the rebuilding of the wall, so that the Lord God of Israel can be glorified!

Remember to work while it's day, for the night cometh when no man can work and only the things you do for Christ will last. Exalt the lord for he is truly worthy of all the praise. I love you and appreciate your support

Peace be Unto Thee

Servant of God

Sister Pat O'Neil

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